
How to Support Employee Mental Health

Mental health is key to happiness. If your employees are suffering from mental health problems, they may miss work or even leave the company as a result. You can mitigate those health issues by providing them with a safe and comfortable work environment complemented by competitive pay and useful benefits.  If you are looking for […]

How Can Employers Support Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance is a key factor that contributes to the mental and physical well-being of employees. If employers can provide a reasonable work-life balance for their workforce, they will see higher rates of employee satisfaction and lower rates of employee turnover. But how can business leaders support work-life balance in their organizations? What is Work-Life […]

How Can Employers Encourage Employees to Stay on Top of Their Health?

Employers should care about the health of their employees. If their employees suffer serious lapses in health, the productivity of their companies will fall. Although few employers currently do so, actively improving employees’ health is the best way to ensure your company can manage long-term success.  How to Encourage Better Employee Health As an employer, […]

Why Should Employers Provide Employee Benefits?

Small business ownership rates are on a steady decline, so those who have managed to launch their own businesses should strive to maximize their success by focusing on the satisfaction of their employees. Normally, unhappy employees won’t stick around long, leaving companies without the manpower to meet production goals. To minimize the risk of this […]

How is Employee Retention a Rising Issue?

Without employees, corporations would be unable to produce a profit. That’s why employee retention is a critical component of operating a successful organization. Yet, employee retention has become a growing issue throughout the corporate world.  If you want to know why some companies struggle to retain employees, keep reading.  What is Employee Retention? Employee retention […]

What is the Significance of Employee Healthcare Coverage?

Employees are far more likely to remain with an organization that offers them valuable benefits. Health insurance has been at the core of most companies’ benefits packages for decades. If employers can’t provide adequate healthcare coverage, they risk losing employees who would have stayed.  Do Employers Always Provide Health Insurance? In the U.S., employers are […]

Why Should Employers Consider Self-Funded Healthcare Programs?

Modern-day employers are expected to provide healthcare benefits for their employees. Although some smaller employers are not legally required to do so, there are many reasons to provide health insurance even when it is not mandated. Yet, funding a group health insurance plan may create new expenses for which you weren’t entirely prepared.  Self-funded healthcare […]

How Does the CHAMP Plan™ Provide Direct Primary Care?

The CHAMP Plan™ is not a complete replacement for your major health insurance plan. Instead, it offers supplemental benefits that make maintaining satisfactory health much easier. One of the benefits offered is access to direct primary care.  If you are curious about how the CHAMP Plan™ can provide direct primary care services, this is everything you need […]

What Is Champion Health’s Holistic Coaching Program?

Champion Health cares about your organization’s well-being. Our interest extends beyond the financial well-being of your company to include the mental and physical well-being of your employees as well. As part of our service offering, we can provide your employees with holistic coaching that makes maintaining adequate health more approachable.  Some of your employees certainly need […]

How Can Champion Health Protect Your Organization?

As a leader in your organization, part of your role is to ensure the ongoing success of the business. This is a multifaceted effort that may not be completely your responsibility. Though, that doesn’t make your role any less important. If you are in a position to sign your organization up for Champion Health’s CHAMP Plan™, […]